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GEP-713: Metaresources and Policy Attachment

  • Issue: #713
  • Status: Memorandum

(See status definitions here)


This GEP aims to standardize terminology and processes around "metaresources", i.e., using one Kubernetes object to modify the functions of one or more other objects.

It lays out guidelines for Gateway API implementations and other stakeholders for the design and/or handling of custom “metaresource” definitions in compliance with a pattern known as Policy Attachment.


This GEP specifies a pattern, not an API field or new object. It defines some terms, including Metaresource, Policies and Policy Attachment, and their related concepts.


This pattern is so far agreed upon only by Gateway API implementers who were in need of an immediate solution and didn't want all their solutions to be completely different and disparate, but does not have wide agreement or review from the rest of Kubernetes (particularly API Machinery). It is then conceivable that this problem domain gets a different solution in core in the future at which time this pattern might be considered obsoleted by that one. When implementations have need of something that is not in the spec and free from the user stories for which this pattern has been primarily thought, they are encouraged to explore other means (e.g. trying to work their feature into the upstream spec) before considering introducing their own custom metaresources. Examples of challenges associated with this pattern include the Discoverability problem and the Fanout status update problem.

Overview and Concepts


When designing Gateway API, a recurring challenge became apparent. There was often a need to change ("augment") the behavior of objects without modifying their specs.

There are several cases where this happens, such as: - when changing the spec of the object to hold the new piece of information is not possible (e.g., ReferenceGrant, from GEP-709, when affecting Secrets and Services); - when the new specification applies at different scopes (different object kinds), making it more maintainable if the declaration is extracted to a separate object, rather than adding new fields representing the same functionality across multiple objects; - when the augmented behavior is intended to span across relationships of an object other than the object that is directly referred in the declaration; - when the augmented behavior is subject to different RBAC rules than the object it refers to; - to circumvent having to enforce hard changes to established implementations.

To put this another way, sometimes we need ways to be able to affect how an object is interpreted in the API, without representing the description of those effects inside the spec of the object. This document describes the ways to design objects to meet use cases like these.

This document introduces the concept of a “metaresource”, a term used to describe the class of objects that only augment the behavior of another Kubernetes object, regardless of what they are targeting.

“Meta” here is used in its Greek sense of “more comprehensive” or “transcending”, and “resource” rather than “object” because “metaresource” is more pronounceable than “meta object”.

After a few iterations of Gateway API experimenting with this pattern-both, with its own common kinds of metaresources such as the BackendTLSPolicy and BackendLBPolicy, as well as via multiple implementation-specific kinds of metaresources (see examples of current use of metaresources)- and rounds of discussion such as the one at kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/discussions#2927, the pattern has been enhanced to its current form.

User stories

  • Ana or Chihiro would like to specify some new behavior for a standard Kubernetes resource, but that resource doesn't have a way to specify the behavior and neither Ana nor Chihiro can modify it.
  • For example, Ana may want to add a rate limit to a Kubernetes Service. The Service object itself doesn't have a field for rate limiting, and Ana can't modify the Service object's definition.
  • A Gateway API implementer would like to define some implementation-specific behaviors for Gateway API objects that are already standard.
  • For example, an implementer might want to provide a way for Chiriro to plug in a WebAssembly module to a particular Gateway listener, including all the configuration required by the module. Support to WebAssembly modules is a specific feature of this implementation and the Gateway listener spec does not contain fields to declare WebAssembly configuration.
  • Chihiro would like a way to allow Ana to specify certain behaviors, but not others, in a very fine-grained way.
  • For example, Chihiro might want to allow Ana to specify rate limits for a Service, but not to specify the Service's ports.
  • A Gateway API implementer would like to define a way to specify a behavior that applies to a whole hierarchy of objects.
  • For example, an implementer might want to define a way to specify a behavior that applies to all the HTTPRoutes that are attached to a Gateway.
  • A Gateway API implementer would like to define a way to specify a behavior that applies to multiple kinds of objects with a single declaration.
  • For example, an implementer might want to define a way to specify a behavior that applies to selected HTTPRoutes and selected TCPRoutes. Even though the HTTPRoute object could otherwise be extended via an implementation-specific filter, the TCPRoute object cannot.
  • A third-party provider would like to offer a way to independently extend the behavior of Gateways controlled by one or more Gateway API implementers.
  • For example, a provider that knows how to configure Gateways controlled by one or more Gateway API implementers, aiming to send data passing through those gateways to a service of the provider, might want to define a way for Gateway API users to activate this feature in a standard way across the supported implementations, without direct involvement of the implementers.

All risks and caveats considered, these are in general a few reasons for using metaresources over another (possibly more direct) way to modify the spec (“augment the behavior”) of an object:

  • Extending otherwise stable APIs – e.g. to specify additional network settings for the Kubernetes Service object.
  • Defining implementation-specific functionalities for otherwise common APIs-e.g. to specify implementation-specific behavior for Gateway API HTTPRoute objects.
  • Decoupling concerns for targeting personas with specific functionality and configuration-delegation of responsibilities, fine-grained RBAC, etc.
  • Decoupling responsibility over the management and implementation of the metaresources themselves.
  • Avoid alternatives based on annotations which are often non-standardized, poorly documented, and generally hard to maintain, in favor of proper, expressive APIs (self-documenting intents) instead.


  • Metaresource: a resource that augments the behavior of another resource without modifying the definition of the resource. Metaresources MUST clearly define a target and an intent as defined in this GEP, and MUST clearly communicate status about whether the augmentation is happening or not.
  • The target of a metaresource specifies the resource or resources whose behavior the metaresource intend to augment.
  • The intent of a metaresource specifies what augmentation the metaresource will apply.

Metaresources are Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) that comply with a particular structure. This structure includes standardized fields for specifying the target(s), metaresource-specific fields to describe the intended augmentation, and standardized status fields to communicate whether the augmentation is happening or not. - Policy: a specific example of a metaresource whose intent is to specify rules that control the behavior of the target resource.


  • Establish a pattern for metaresources which will be used for any metaresources and policies included in the Gateway API spec.
  • Establish a pattern that must be adopted for any implementation-specific metaresources and policies used with Gateway API resources.
  • Discuss the problems with communicating status for metaresource objects, and suggest mechanisms that APIs can use to mitigate some of them.
  • Provide a way to distinguish between required and default values for all metaresource API implementations.
  • Enable Policy Attachment at all relevant scopes in Gateway API, including Gateways, Routes, Backends, along with how values should flow across a hierarchy if necessary.
  • Ensure the Policy Attachment specification is generic and forward thinking enough that it could be easily adapted to other grouping mechanisms like Namespaces in the future.
  • Provide a means of attachment that works for both ingress and mesh implementations of Gateway API.
  • Provide a consistent specification that will ensure familiarity between both API-defined and implementation-specific metaresources so they can both be interpreted the same way.
  • Provide a reference pattern to other implementations of metaresource and policy APIs outside of Gateway API, that are based on similar concepts (i.e., augmenting the behavior of other Kubernetes objects, attachment points, nested contexts and inheritance, Defaults & Overrides, etc.)

Out of scope

  • Define all potential metaresource and policy kinds that may be attached to resources.

Guide-level explanation

This section describes concepts and aspects for designing and using metaresource objects.

It reinforces previously defined concepts and defines other important ones such as the concepts of Hierarchy of target kinds, Merge strategy, and Effective metaresources. It also describes an Abstract process for calculating effective specs out of a set of metaresource objects.

Designers of new metaresource kinds are encouraged to read this section top-to-bottom while users of metaresources may refer to it more specifically, to further understand about the design decisions and thus make inferences about the behavior and alternatives for a given metaresource kind.


As defined above, a metaresource is a CRD whose purpose is to augment the behavior of some other resource. At its most basic level, the metaresource pattern consists of: - A user defines a metaresource describing both the target resource(s) they want to augment, and the intent of the augmentation. - The metaresource controller notices the metaresource and applies the intent to the target resource(s). - The metaresource controller reports the status of the metaresource, indicating whether the intent is being applied or not.

In the real world, of course, things can be much more complex. There may be multiple conflicting metaresources, or the user might attempt to apply a metaresource that they aren't allowed to, or there may be errors in the metaresources. The metaersource controller MUST be able to handle all of these cases, and MUST communicate status correctly in all situations.

Additionally, since this GEP defines a pattern rather than an API field or resource, it is not possible to enumerate all possible metaresources in this GEP. This means that metaresources MUST follow a well-known structure so that Gateway API users and implementations can work with them in a consistent way, and this GEP focuses on that well-known structure.

Metaresource structure

A typical metaresource might look like the following:

kind: ColorPolicy
  name: my-color-policy
  targetRefs: ## target objects whose behaviour to augment
  - group:
    kind: Gateway
    name: my-gateway
  color: blue ## the "spec proper", i.e., one or more fields that specify the intent – e.g. to color the traffic flowing through the my-gateway Gateway blue

(This is a hypothetical example: no ColorPolicy resource is defined in Gateway API.)

  • Every metaresource MUST include a targetRefs stanza specifying which resource(s) the metaresource intends to augment.
  • Every metaresource MUST include one or more implementation-specific fields specifying how the metaresource will augment the behavior of the target resource(s). This is informally referred to as the "spec proper."
  • A metaresource MAY include additional fields specifying a so-called merge strategy, i.e., how the metaresource should be combined with other metaresources that affect the same target resource(s). This typically include directives for dealing with conflicting and/or missing specs, such as for applying default and/or override values on the target resources.

The targetRefs stanza

The targets of a metaresource are other Kubernetes objects (or parts of objects), including virtual kinds. They are referenced in the metaresources by name or using other referencing mechanisms.

In order to fit within the framework described in this document, the targets MUST be declared within a targetRefs field within the spec of the metaresource instance.

All kinds of references SHOULD also specify Group, Version and Kind (GVK) information as part of the target (unless the API ensures no more than one kind of object can be targeted).

Reference by name

The target reference includes the exact name of an object whose behavior to augment. E.g.:

kind: ColorPolicy
  name: my-color-policy
  - group:
    kind: Gateway
    name: my-gateway ## name of the target object of Gateway kind
  color: blue
Implementation tip This targeting method can be implemented in Golang by using a type such as Gateway API's [`LocalPolicyTargetReference`]( type. E.g.:
package color

import (
  metav1 ""
  gatewayapiv1alpha2 ""

type ColorPolicy struct {
  metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
  metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

  // Spec defines the desired state of the policy.
  Spec ColorPolicySpec `json:"spec"`

  // Status defines the current state of the policy.
  Status ColorPolicyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

type ColorPolicySpec struct {
  // TargetRefs specify the targets of the policy by name.
  // The following kinds are supported: …
  // +listType=map
  // +listMapKey=group
  // +listMapKey=kind
  // +listMapKey=name
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MinItems=1
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=16
  TargetRefs []gatewayapiv1alpha2.LocalPolicyTargetReference `json:"targetRefs"`

  // rest of the spec ("spec proper")…
Label selectors

The target reference includes the label selectors used to select a set of objects whose behavior to augment. E.g.:

kind: ColorPolicy
  name: my-color-policy
  - group:
    kind: Gateway
    selector: ## label selectors to a set of objects of the Gateway kind
        env: production
  color: blue
Implementation tip This targeting method can be implemented in Golang by using a type such as apimachinery's [`LabelSelector`]( type. E.g.:
package color

import (
  metav1 ""

type ColorPolicy struct {
  metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
  metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

  // Spec defines the desired state of the policy.
  Spec ColorPolicySpec `json:"spec"`

  // Status defines the current state of the policy.
  Status ColorPolicyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

type ColorPolicySpec struct {
  // TargetRefs specify the targets of the policy by label.
  // The following kinds are supported: …
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MinItems=1
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=16
  TargetRefs []TargetRef `json:"targetRefs"`

  // rest of the spec ("spec proper")…

type TargetRef struct {
  // Group is the group of the target object.
  Group Group `json:"group"`

  // Kind is the kind of the target object.
  Kind Kind `json:"kind"`

  // Selector is the label selector of target objects of the specified kind.
  Selector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"selector"`
Cross namespace references

Metaresources can opt for allowing instances to target objects across Kubernetes namespaces, in which case an optional namespace field MUST be defined with the target reference.


Although not strictly forbidden, this is in general discouraged due to discoverability issues and security implications. Cross namespace references can often lead to escalation of privileges associated with the Confused deputy problem.

Implementations that opt for designing metaresources that allow for cross namespace references MUST support one of the following combined approaches, to address the security concern: - The metaresource is paired with ReferenceGrants or some other form of equivalent handshake that ensures that the target is accepting the metaresource. - The metaresource applied client-side and does not grant the client any additional access or permissions than it would otherwise have.

Implementation tip This targeting method can be implemented in Golang by using a type such as Gateway API's [`NamespacedPolicyTargetReference`]( type. E.g.:
package color

import (
  metav1 ""
  gatewayapiv1alpha2 ""

type ColorPolicy struct {
  metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
  metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

  // Spec defines the desired state of the policy.
  Spec ColorPolicySpec `json:"spec"`

  // Status defines the current state of the policy.
  Status ColorPolicyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

type ColorPolicySpec struct {
  // TargetRefs specify the targets of the policy by name.
  // The following kinds are supported: …
  // +listType=map
  // +listMapKey=group
  // +listMapKey=kind
  // +listMapKey=namespace
  // +listMapKey=name
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MinItems=1
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=16
  TargetRefs []gatewayapiv1alpha2.NamespacedPolicyTargetReference `json:"targetRefs"`

  // rest of the spec ("spec proper")…
Targeting sections of an object

Metaresource CRDs can offer the option to target a section of an object whose spec defines sections uniquely identifiable by name. These metaresources typically include a field spec.targetRefs.sectionName that can be used along with compatible kinds.

E.g. – a metaresource that specifies additional behaviour for a given listener of a Gateway API Gateway object, though not for all listeners of the Gateway, MUST (i) require the Gateway listener to be uniquely named and (ii) provide the sectionName field of target reference with the name of the targeted listener.

kind: ColorPolicy
  name: my-color-policy
  - group:
    kind: Gateway
    name: my-gateway
    sectionName: https ## unique name of a listener specified in the object of Gateway kind
  color: blue
Implementation tip This targeting method can be implemented in Golang by using a type such as Gateway API's [`LocalPolicyTargetReferenceWithSectionName`]( type. E.g.:
package color

import (
  metav1 ""
  gatewayapiv1alpha2 ""

type ColorPolicy struct {
  metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
  metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

  // Spec defines the desired state of the policy.
  Spec ColorPolicySpec `json:"spec"`

  // Status defines the current state of the policy.
  Status ColorPolicyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

type ColorPolicySpec struct {
  // TargetRefs specify the targets of the policy by name.
  // The following kinds are supported: …
  // +listType=map
  // +listMapKey=group
  // +listMapKey=kind
  // +listMapKey=name
  // +listMapKey=sectionName
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MinItems=1
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=16
  TargetRefs []gatewayapiv1alpha2.LocalPolicyTargetReferenceWithSectionName `json:"targetRefs"`

  // rest of the spec ("spec proper")…
Targeting virtual types

Virtual types are defined as those with a group unkown by the Kubernetes API server. They can be used to apply metaresources to objects that are not actual Kubernetes resources nor Kubernetes custom resources. Rather, virtual types have a meaning for the metaresource controller responsible for implementing the metaresource.

An example of such, from Gateway API mesh case, would be a hypothetical need for defining a policy to "color requests" to external services. To accomplish this, implementations MAY choose to support a reference to a virtual resource type ExternalService, unknown by the Kuberentes API server but known by the metaresource controller. E.g.:

kind: ColorPolicy
  name: my-color-policy
    kind: ExternalService
  color: blue

As a pattern, targeting virtual types has prior art in Kubernetes with the Role Based Access Control (RBAC), where Roles and ClusterRoles can used to specify permissions regarding any kind of resource including non-Kubernetes resources.

Scoping the intent

The targets of a metaresource must be interpreted within a given semantics that is proper to the metaresource kind. Sometimes the declared targets define the direct scope of application of the metaresource. Inversily, depending on the metaresource kind, the targets can also represent indirections to the actual scope of application of the metaresource.

Two different metaresource kinds that allow targeting resources of the same given kind X may have very different semantics. This happens not only because the purpose of the two metaresource kinds differ, but also because the scopes induced by specifying instances of X as targets differ, with consequences to the entire mechanics of calculating and applying the augmented behavior in each case.

Spanning behavior across relationships of a target

Often, the semantics of scoping a metaresource is tightly related to the connections the target kind has with other kinds of objects. In this scenario, targeting a given resource kind may have the semantics of spanning effect across these other objects to which the target is related.

Typically, the relationships between direct and indirect target kinds are organized in a hierarchy of nested contexts.

An example of such is a metaresource that targets a Namespace. Depending on the design of the metaresource kind, the metaresource object may declare intent to affect the behavior of the namespace itself (for what concerns to the implementation of Namespaces in Kubernetes) or alternatively it can act as a means to affect the behavior of other objects that exist in the referred namespace (e.g. ConfigMaps). While in the former case, the (direct) target object is the Namespace itself, in the latter the (indirect) target is a set of objects of a different kind (e.g. ConfigMaps.)

Another example of this semantic difference in the context of Gateway API objects is a metaresource that targets the Gateway kind, which can be: * a way to augment the behavior of the Gateway object itself (e.g. reconcile cloud infrastructure provider settings from the spec declared by the Gateway according the rules specified by the metaresource attached to the Gateway) or * a means to augment the behavior of all HTTPRoute objects attached to the Gateway (in a way that every new HTTPRoute that gets created or modified so it enters the context of the Gateway is automatically put in the scope of the metaresource.)

Declared targets versus Effective targets

The target kinds specified in the targetRefs stanza of a metaresource are referred to as Declared target kinds.

These are distinct from Effective target kinds, which are the kinds of target objects whose behaviors are actually augmented by the metaresource. That occurs when declared targets are not equal to the actual targets augmented by the metaresource, but rather serve as a means for reaching other levels (typically lower level) of a hierarchy of related object kinds ("hierarchy of nested contexts").

To avoid ambiguity in the interpretation of the targets, metaresource designs MUST clearly define the extent of the effects of the metaresource respectively to the object kinds they can target (semantics of scoping a metaresource). This can be done via documentation and it typically refers to a known hierarchy of resource kinds.

Conflicting specs, Inheritance, Merge strategies, and Effective metaresources

Declaring additional specifications to objects from the outside can yield conflicts that need to be addressed in the implementation of metaresources. Multiple instances of a metaresource kind may affect an object (directly or indirectly), thus posing a possible conflict to resolve regarding which intent among the multiple metaresource specs a controller shall honor.

In some cases, the most recent between two conflicting specs may be desired to win, whereas in other cases it might be the oldest. Often, the winning spec is determined by the hierarchical level within the scope the metaresource applies, and sometimes other criteria must be adopted to resolve conflicts between metaresources ultimately affecting a same target.

The hierarchical relationships of the objects that are targeted by metaresources – whether associated to their parent/child relationship or between specs and their inner sections – may also yield conflicts of specs (conflicting intents). Metaresource kinds that allow for their instances to target at multiple levels of a hierarchy of resource kinds (e.g. Gateway API Gateway and HTTPRoute kinds), or alternatively entire resources as well as sections of a resource, will often generate cases where the behavior specified by the metaresource either is fully enforced or partially enforced, either honored or overridden by another.

Hierarchy of target kinds

Metaresource CRDs MUST clearly define the hierarchy of target resources they have effects upon, as well as the semantics of targeting each kind in this hierarchy.

The best way to visualize this hierarchy-and therefore the instances of objects organized by the hierarchy-is in the form of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) whose roots are the least specific objects and the leaves are the most specific ones (and ultimately the effective targets of the metaresources). Using a DAG to represent the hierarchy of effective targets ensures that all the relevant objects are represented, and makes the calculation of corresponding combinatorial specs much easier.

Lower levels in the hierarchy (e.g., more specific kinds) inherit the definitions applied at the higher levels (e.g. less specific kinds), in such a way that higher level rules may be understood as having an “umbrella effect” over everything under that level.

E.g., given the Gateway API’s hierarchy of network resources for the ingress use case GatewayClass > Gateway > HTTPRoute > Backend. A metaresource that attaches to a GatewayClass object, if defined as a metaresource kind ultimately to augment the behavior of HTTPRoute objects, affects all Gateways under the GatewayClass, as well as all HTTPRoutes under those Gateways. Any other instance of this metaresource kind targeting a lower level than the GatewayClass (e.g. Gateway or HTTPRoute, assuming it's supported) should be be treated as a conflict against the higher level metaresource spec in the specific scope that is rooted at the lower level target, i.e., for the subset of the topology that is afftected by both metaresources.

Conflicts between metaresources ultimately affecting the same scope MUST be resolved into so-called Effective metaresources, according to some defined merge strategies.

Effective metaresources

The DAG that represents the hierarchy of targetable objects works as a map to orderly resolve, for each effective target, a combinatorial spec that is collectively defined by the set of metaresources affecting the target. This combinatorial spec of each effective target is referred to as the Effective metaresource (or Effective policy).

The process of calculating Effective metaresources (Effective policies) consists of walking the hierarchy of target objects, from most specific to least specific (i.e., bottom-up, from the leaves towards the roots of the DAG of target objects) or from least specific to most specific (top-down), map reducing to a single metaresource spec each pair of metaresources adjacent to each other in the hierarchy, applying at each step one of the supported merge strategies (described below), until no more than one spec remains for each effective target.

Between two metaresources in conflict and therefore whose specs are to be merged into one according to a given merge strategy, the least specific metaresource of the pair dictates the merge strategy to apply.

Metaresource kinds that implement more than one merge strategy MUST provide a way in the spec for the instances of the metaresource to specify the chosen strategy that the metaresource controller must use to calculate an effective metaresource out of two instances. If no merge strategy is specified, then implementations SHOULD use more-specific-wins merge strategy by default.

The following subsections define a set of rules to arrange metaresources for conflict resolution, as well as an abstract process to calculate effective metaresources.

Conflict resolution rules

If multiple metaresources have the same scope (that is, multiple instances of the same metaresource kind affect the same effective target), this is considered to be a conflict.

To determine which metaresources attached to objects in a hierarchy are higher or lower, use the following rules, continuing on ties: 1. Between two metaresources at different levels of the hierarchy, the one attached higher wins (i.e. dictates the merge strategy to use to resolve the conflict). 2. Between two metaresources at the same level of the hierarchy, the older metaresource based on creation timestamp wins. 3. Between two metaresources at the same level of the hierarchy and identical creation timestamps, the metaresource appearing first in alphabetical order by {namespace}/{name} wins.

A metaresource winning over another means this metaresource dictates the merge strategy to apply.

Merge strategies

A merge strategy is a function that receives two conflicting specs and returns one.

There are 3 basic merge strategies: * None: the metaresource with the oldest creation timestamp that is attached to a target wins, while all the other metaresources attached to the same target are rejected (Accepted status condition set to false). * Defaults: more specific specs beats less specific ones. * Overrides: less specific specs beats more specific ones.

Metaresource kinds that implement specifically the Defaults or the Overrides base merge strategies SHOULD specify one or more atomicity levels to dictate how these base merge strategies must be applied. These are: * Atomic spec: the spec of the metaresource is treated as atomic, i.e., either one spec wins or another, but 2 specs are never mixed into a composition of specs. This MUST be the default atomicity applied if not specified otherwise. * Scalar values (“Patch”): the specs of 2 metaresources are merged into one by applying the winning spec (according to semantics dictated by the base merge strategy, i.e., the more specific if Defaults or the less specific one if Overrides) over the other spec, in a JSON patch operation. * \: the spec of 2 metaresources are mixed into a composition of both specs, following a custom merge algorithm specified by the metaresource or policy kind.

The final set of merge strategies therefore supported by a metaresource CRD (base merge strategy + atomicity level) is any subset of the following, where \ is implementation-specific: * None * Atomic Defaults * Atomic Overrides * Patch Defaults * Patch Overrides * \ Defaults * \ Overrides

Metaresource kinds MAY opt to implement any of these strategies, including multiple strategies.

Metaresource kinds that do not specify any merge strategy and only support targeting a single kind (with Declared target = Effective target), by default MUST implement the None merge strategy. (See the definition of Direct class of metarsources.)

Metaresource kinds that do not specify any merge strategy and support targeting multiple effective kinds, by default MUST implement the Atomic Defaults merge strategy.

Metaresource kinds that implement more than one merge strategy MUST define a clear structure for the instances of metaresource to specify which of the supported strategies to apply. Instances of these metaresources MUST NOT be allowed to declare more than one merge strategy at a time, but only one of the supported strategies. If no merge strategy is specified by a given instance of the metaresource, the Atomic Defaults merge strategy MUST be assumed.

A pattern known to be adopted by metaresource CRDs that support multiple merge strategies is the definition of a strategy field in the metaresource spec for the instances to specify the exact strategy to apply.

Metaresource implementations SHOULD reflect in the status stanza of the metaresources somehow the applied merge strategies altering the effectiveness of the metaresource spec, if possible considering all the different scopes targeted by the metaresource-i.e., if metaresources is being enforced or overridden, partially or completely. (See Metaresource status section for details.)

Abstract process for calculating Effective metaresources

The following is a description of an abstract process for calculating effective metaresources.


  • the target resource kinds A, B and C, organized in a hierarchy of resource kinds where A > B > C, i.e. A is the least specific kind (roots of the hierarchical tree) and C is the most specific kind (leaves of the tree)-without loss of generality for cases where these kinds are not necessarily proper Kubernetes kinds, but also possibly named sections of a proper Kubernetes kind;
  • the metaresource kind M, whose instances can target resources of kind A, B or C, ultimately intending to augment the behavior of instances of resource kind C;
  • the tree of targetable resources a1 > (b1 > c1, b2 > (c1, c2)), where x > Y represents all the directed relationships from targetable resource x of kind X and its children, and recursively for Y, without loss of generality for any other set of instances of target resources;
  • the instances of metaresource m1a1 and m2b2, where my represents the attachment of metaresource m of kind M to the target resource y of kind A, B or C, without loss of generality for any other set of instances of metaresources.

Depicted in the following Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG):

  look: handDrawn
  theme: neutral
    a1@{ shape: rect }
    b1@{ shape: rect }
    b2@{ shape: rect }
    c1@{ shape: rect }
    c2@{ shape: rect }
    m1@{ shape: stadium }
    m2@{ shape: stadium }

    a1 --> b1
    a1 --> b2
    b1 --> c1
    b2 --> c1
    b2 --> c2

    m1 -.-> a1
    m2 -.-> b2

For each expanded context that is induced by the instances of targetable resource of kind C and its relationships given by the hierarchy, i.e. for each of: a1 > b1 > c1, a1 > b2 > c1, and a1 > b2 > c2, stack the metaresources targeting the context at any level, ordered from the most specific level (i.e. C) to the least specific one (i.e. A), applying the conflict resolution rules described before if necessary:

  1. Pop two metaresources from the stack and combine them into one effective metaresource.
  2. Push the calculated effective metaresource back into the stack.
  3. Repeat until there is no more than one metaresource in the stack.

The last metaresource in each stack (if any) specifies the intended augmented behavior for the effective target resource of kind C within that corresponding context.

The following diagram generalizes the described process for calculating Effective metaresources:

  look: handDrawn
  theme: neutral
  A[Start: Given a DAG of target objects and set of metaresources] --> sub
  sub --> L["Output result: mapping of each leaf of the DAG to its corresponding Effective metaresource (if any)"]

  subgraph sub["For each path of target objects in the DAG"]
    C["Order metaresources affecting the objects in the path from most specific to least specific, applying conflict resolution if necessary"] --> D["Push ordered metaresources to stack (least specific metaresource on top of the stack)"]
    D --> E{More than one metaresource in stack?}
    E -- Yes --> F[Pop two metaresources _mA_ and _mB_]
    F --> G[Combine _mA_ and _mB_ into metaresource _mX_ applying the merge strategy dictated by _mA_]
    G --> H[Make the merge strategy specified by _mB_ the merge strategy of _mX_]
    H --> I[Push _mX_ back into the stack]
    I --> E
    E -- No --> J[Map the end of the path to a single metaresource remaining in the stack or none]

In the example above, the expected outcome of the process is:

  • c1 is augmented by m1, whenever activated in the context of b1;
  • c1 is augmented by the combination of m1 + m2, whenever activated in the context of b2;
  • c2 is augmented by the combination of m1 + m2.

In the most trivial case where metaresources can only directly target the objects whose behavior they intend to augment (i.e. instances of C without any indirections) and no metaresource specs are merged at all, the outcome of the process of calculating effective metaresources is simplified to a 1:1 mapping between metaresource and target object at most, where the declared metaresource equals the effective one, with no combinatorial specs nor contextual variations.

Classes of metaresources

The following two classes of metaresource kinds are defined: Direct and Inherited.


  • A single kind supported in spec.targetRefs.kind
  • Effects of the metaresources do not span across the hierarchy, i.e. the Declared target kind is equal to the Effective target kind
  • None is the only merge strategy supported
  • If supported, could typically be implemented by directly extending the API of the target kind with the fields otherwise defined at the metaresource (e.g. Gateway API filter)


  • Superset of the above
  • Any metaresource kind that do not comply with at least one characteristic of the Direct class of metaresources

End-to-end examples

This section presents a series of synthetic examples of applications of metaresources for different kinds of topologies and contexts.

In all cases, the background of targetable object kinds is assumed to be a hierarchy of network resource kinds Gateway (g) > Route (r) > Backend (b), where Gateway is the least specific kind (instances denoted “gX”) and Backend is the most specific kind (instances denoted “bX”).

Moreover, a ColorPolicy metaresource kind (or “policy kind”, equivalently) is defined however with variations in its semantics across examples to accommodate for each case. Instances of the ColorPolicy kind (denoted “pX[spec]” and referred to simply as “policies”) may target one or more kinds of targetable resources, depending on each example. A policy represents an intent to “color” the network traffic that flows through the portion of the network corresponding to the target with a given color or color set that is specified in the policy.

Example 1. Direct Policy

In this example, the ColorPolicy policy kind is defined as an instance of the Direct class of metaresources. Instances of the ColorPolicy kind in this example can only target Backend resources.


the following state of targetable resources:

  • g1 > r1 > b1
  • g1 > r2 > b2

and the following state of ColorPolicy (p) policies, where pX[spec]bX denotes a policy pX attached to (“targeting”) a Backend resource bX, intending to augment bX‘s behavior with spec:

  • p1[color:red]b1
  • p2[color:blue]b1 (conflicting policy, p2.creationTimestamp > p1.creationTimestamp)

Depicted in the following Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG):

  look: handDrawn
  theme: neutral
  g1@{ shape: rect }
  r1@{ shape: rect }
  r2@{ shape: rect }
  b1@{ shape: rect }
  b2@{ shape: rect }
  p1@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p1**\ncolor:red\ncreationTimestamp:t" }
  p2@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p2**\ncolor:blue\ncreationTimestamp:t+Δ" }

  g1 --> r1
  g1 --> r2
  r1 --> b1
  r2 --> b2

  p1 -.-> b1
  p2 -.-> b1

The expected outcome to be implemented by the controller is:

  1. All traffic directed to Backend b1 must be colored red.
  2. Status of Backend b1 should be reported as affected by the ColorPolicy p1.
  3. Status of Backend b2 should NOT be reported as affected by any policy.
  4. Status of ColorPolicy p1 must be reported as enforced.
  5. Status of ColorPolicy p2 must be reported as NOT enforced, due to conflict with ColorPolicy p1.

Example 2. Defaults & Overrides

In this example, the ColorPolicy policy kind is defined as an instance of the Inherited class of metaresources. Instances of the ColorPolicy kind in this example can target resources of the Gateway and Route kinds, always aiming to augment the behavior of resources of the Backend kind in the hierarchy. The policies can specify either defaults (assumed unless specified otherwise) or overrides, that are always treated at the atomic level.


the following state of targetable resources:

  • g1 > r1 > b1
  • g1 > r2 > b1
  • g2 > r3 > b1
  • g2 > r4 > b2

and the following state of ColorPolicy (p) policies, where pX[spec]yX denotes a policy pX attached to (“targeting”) a resource yX, y ∈ {g, r}, intending to augment with spec the behavior of Backend resources when activated via yX:

  • p1[color:red]g1
  • p2[color:blue]r1
  • p3[overrides:{color:yellow}]g2
  • p4[color:green]r4

Depicted in the following Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG):

  look: handDrawn
  theme: neutral
  g1@{ shape: rect }
  r1@{ shape: rect }
  r2@{ shape: rect }
  r3@{ shape: rect }
  r4@{ shape: rect }
  b1@{ shape: rect }
  b2@{ shape: rect }
  p1@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p1**\ncolor:red" }
  p2@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p2**\ncolor:blue" }
  p3@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p3**\noverrides:{color:yellow}" }
  p4@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p4**\ncolor:green" }

  g1 --> r1
  r1 --> b1
  g1 --> r2
  r2 --> b1
  g2 --> r3
  r3 --> b1
  g2 --> r4
  r4 --> b2

  p1 -.-> g1
  p2 -.-> r1
  p3 -.-> g2
  p4 -.-> r4

The expected outcome to be implemented by the controller is:

  1. Traffic directed to g1 > r1 > b1 must be colored blue (more specific p2 spec beats less specific defaults at p1).
  2. Traffic directed to g1 > r2 > b1 must be colored red (implicit defaults specified at p1 not replaced by any other policy).
  3. Traffic directed to g2 > r3 > b1 must be colored yellow (overrides specified at p3 not replaced by any other policy).
  4. Traffic directed to g2 > r4 > b2 must be colored yellow (overrides specified at p3 beats more specific policy p4).
  5. Status of Backend b1 should be reported as affected by the ColorPolicy resources p1, p2 and p3.
  6. Status of Backend b2 should be reported as affected by the ColorPolicy resource p3.
  7. Status of ColorPolicy p1 must be reported as partially enforced, due to in some cases beaten by p2.
  8. Status of ColorPolicy p2 must be reported as enforced.
  9. Status of ColorPolicy p3 must be reported as enforced.
  10. Status of ColorPolicy p4 must be reported as NOT enforced, due to being overridden by ColorPolicy p3.

Example 3. Merged specs

In this example, the ColorPolicy policy kind is defined as an instance of the Inherited class of metaresources. Instances of the ColorPolicy kind in this example can target resources of the Gateway and Route kinds, always aiming to augment the behavior of resources of the Backend kind in the hierarchy. The policies can specify either defaults (assumed unless specified otherwise) or overrides. Moreover, policies specify a complex color scheme composed of dark and light entries, as well as a strategy field to specify one of two supported merge strategies, atomic (assumed unless specified otherwise) or patch.


the following state of targetable resources:

  • g1 > r1 > b1
  • g1 > r2 > b1
  • g2 > r3 > b1
  • g2 > r4 > b2

and the following state of ColorPolicy (p) policies, where pX[spec]yX denotes a policy pX attached to (“targeting”) a resource yX, y ∈ {g, r}, intending to augment with spec the behavior of Backend resources when activated via yX:

  • p1[colors:{dark:brown,light:red},strategy:atomic]g1
  • p2[colors:{light:blue}]r1
  • p3[overrides:{colors:{light:yellow},strategy:patch}]g2
  • p4[colors:{dark:olive,light:green}]r4

Depicted in the following Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG):

  look: handDrawn
  theme: neutral
  g1@{ shape: rect }
  r1@{ shape: rect }
  r2@{ shape: rect }
  r3@{ shape: rect }
  r4@{ shape: rect }
  b1@{ shape: rect }
  b2@{ shape: rect }
  p1@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p1**\ncolors:{dark:brown light:red}\nstrategy:atomic" }
  p2@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p2**\ncolors:{light:blue}" }
  p3@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p3**\noverrides:{\ncolors:{light:yellow}\nstrategy:patch}" }
  p4@{ shape: stadium, label: "**p4**\ncolors:{dark:olive light:green}" }

  g1 --> r1
  r1 --> b1
  g1 --> r2
  r2 --> b1
  g2 --> r3
  r3 --> b1
  g2 --> r4
  r4 --> b2

  p1 -.-> g1
  p2 -.-> r1
  p3 -.-> g2
  p4 -.-> r4

The expected outcome to be implemented by the controller is:

  1. Traffic directed to g1 > r1 > b1 must be colored dark:UNDEFINED,light:blue (more specific p2 spec beats less specific atomic defaults from p1.
  2. Traffic directed to g1 > r2 > b1 must be colored dark:brown,light:red (implicit atomic defaults specified at p1 not replaced by any other policy).
  3. Traffic directed to g2 > r3 > b1 must be colored dark:UNDEFINED,light:yellow (patch overrides specified at p3 not replaced, nor extended by any other policy).
  4. Traffic directed to g2 > r4 > b2 must be colored dark:olive,light:yellow (patch overrides specified by p3 beats more specific policy p4, which still extends the spec with a specific value for dark.
  5. Status of Backend b1 should be reported as affected by the ColorPolicy resources p1, p2 and p3.
  6. Status of Backend b2 should be reported as affected by the ColorPolicy resource p3 and p4.
  7. Status of ColorPolicy p1 must be reported as partially enforced, due to in some cases atomically beaten by p2.
  8. Status of ColorPolicy p2 must be reported as enforced.
  9. Status of ColorPolicy p3 must be reported as enforced.
  10. Status of ColorPolicy p4 must be reported as partially enforced, due to being partially overridden by ColorPolicy p3.

Managing metaresources in real life


Metaresources are typically implemented and managed by a custom controller. This controller can be the same controller that is responsible for managing the objects that are targeted by the metaresources or another controller specifically responsible for the aspect of the object that the metaresource augments or modifies. For policy kinds of metaresources, this controller is often referred to as the “policy controller”.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the controller to provide enough information to resource owners that help circumvent or mitigate the discoverability problem (described in the next section). This typically involves populating the status stanza of the target objects, although may as well resort to additional tools (e.g. CRDs, CLI tools) that help visualize the hierarchical topology of target objects and metaresources, effective metaresource specs, etc.

The discoverability problem

A well-known problem of declaring specifications into separate objects, that ultimately will reshape or govern the behavior of their targeted ones, regards the discoverability of metaresources. That is, how an object owner gets to know what metaresource (or set of metaresources) is affecting their object and with what content.

Even though Kubernetes already has analogous problems in its core-the most obvious example being the Kubernetes Role Based Access Control (RBAC)-, the discoverability issue remains a challenging one to be addressed. To better understand it, consider the following parable described in the context of Gateway API, with thanks to @flynn:

The Parabol

It's a sunny Wednesday afternoon, and the lead microservices developer for Evil Genius Cupcakes is windsurfing. Work has been eating Ana alive for the past two and a half weeks, but after successfully deploying version 3.6.0 of the baker service this morning, she's escaped early to try to unwind a bit.

Her shoulders are just starting to unknot when her phone pings with a text from Chihiro, down in the NOC. Waterproof phones are a blessing, but also a curse.

Chihiro: Hey Ana. Things are still running, more or less, but latencies on everything in the baker namespace are crazy high after your last rollout, and baker itself has a weirdly high load. Sorry to interrupt you on the lake but can you take a look? Thanks!!

Ana stares at the phone for a long moment, heart sinking, then sighs and turns back to shore.

What she finds when dries off and grabs her laptop is strange. baker does seem to be taking much more load than its clients are sending, and its clients report much higher latencies than they’d expect. She doublechecks the Deployment, the Service, and all the HTTPRoutes around baker; everything looks good. baker’s logs show her mostly failed requests... with a lot of duplicates? Ana checks her HTTPRoute again, though she's pretty sure you can't configure retries there, and finds nothing. But it definitely looks like clients are retrying when they shouldn’t be.

She pings Chihiro.

Ana: Hey Chihiro. Something weird is up, looks like requests to baker are failing but getting retried??

A minute later they answer.

Chihiro: 🤷 Did you configure retries?

Ana: Dude. I don’t even know how to. 😂

Chihiro: You just attach a RetryPolicy to your HTTPRoute.

Ana: Nope. Definitely didn’t do that.

She types kubectl get retrypolicy -n baker and gets a permission error.

Ana: Huh, I actually don’t have permissions for RetryPolicy. 🤔

Chihiro: 🤷 Feels like you should but OK, guess that can’t be it.

Minutes pass while both look at logs.

Chihiro: I’m an idiot. There’s a RetryPolicy for the whole namespace – sorry, too many policies in the dashboard and I missed it. Deleting that since you don’t want retries.

Ana: Are you sure that’s a good–

Ana’s phone shrills while she’s typing, and she drops it. When she picks it up again she sees a stack of alerts. She goes pale as she quickly flips through them: there’s one for every single service in the baker namespace.


Chihiro: Just did. Be glad you couldn't hear all the alarms here. 😕

Ana: What the hell just happened??

Chihiro: At a guess, all the workloads in the baker namespace actually fail a lot, but they seem OK because there are retries across the whole namespace? 🤔

Ana's blood runs cold.

Chihiro: Yeah. Looking a little closer, I think your baker rollout this morning would have failed without those retries. 😕

There is a pause while Ana's mind races through increasingly unpleasant possibilities.

Ana: I don't even know where to start here. How long did that RetryPolicy go in? Is it the only thing like it?

Chihiro: Didn’t look closely before deleting it, but I think it said a few months ago. And there are lots of different kinds of policy and lots of individual policies, hang on a minute...

Chihiro: Looks like about 47 for your chunk of the world, a couple hundred system-wide.

Ana: 😱 Can you tell me what they’re doing for each of our services? I can’t even look at these things. 😕

Chihiro: That's gonna take awhile. Our tooling to show us which policies bind to a given workload doesn't go the other direction.

Ana: ...wait. You have to build tools to know if retries are turned on??


Chihiro: Policy Attachment is more complex than we’d like, yeah. 😐 Look, how about roll back your baker change for now? We can get together in the morning and start sorting this out.

Ana shakes her head and rolls back her edits to the baker Deployment, then sits looking out over the lake as the deployment progresses.

Ana: Done. Are things happier now?

Chihiro: Looks like, thanks. Reckon you can get back to your sailboard. 🙂

Ana sighs.

Ana: Wish I could. Wind’s died down, though, and it'll be dark soon. Just gonna head home.

Chihiro: Ouch. Sorry to hear that. 😐

One more look out at the lake.

Ana: Thanks for the help. Wish we’d found better answers. 😢

The Problem, restated

What this parable makes clear is that, in the absence of information about what metaresource is affecting an object, it’s very easy to make poor decisions.

It’s critical that this proposal solve the problem of showing up to three things, listed in increasing order of desirability:

  • That some metaresource/policy is affecting a particular object
  • Which metaresource/policy is (or metaresources/policies are) affecting a particular object
  • What settings in the metaresource/policy are affecting the object.

In the parable, if Ana and Chihiro had known that there were Policies affecting the relevant object, then they could have gone looking for the relevant Policies and things would have played out differently. If they knew which policies, they would need to look less hard, and if they knew what the settings being applied were, then the parable would have been able to be very short indeed.

(There’s also another use case to consider, in that Chihiro should have been able to see that the metaresource on the namespace was in use in many places before deleting it.)

To put this another way, Metaresources and Policy Attachment is effectively adding another persona among the stakeholders, the Policy Admin, and without a solution to the discoverability problem, their actions are largely invisible to the Application Developer. Not only that, but their concerns cut across the previously established levels.

Gateway API diagram with Policy Admin

From the Policy Admin’s point of view, they need to know across their whole remit (which conceivably could be the whole cluster):

  • What metaresource/policy has been created
  • Where it’s applied
  • What the resultant (effective) metaresource/policy is saying

Which again, comes down to discoverability, and can probably be addressed in similar ways at an API level to the Application Developer's concerns.

An important note here is that a key piece of information for Policy Admins and Cluster Operators is “How many things does this Policy affect?”. In the parable, this would have enabled Chihiro to know that deleting the Namespace Policy would affect many other people than just Ana.

Gateway API personas and the discoverability problem

Let's go through the various users of Gateway API and what they need to know about Metaresources affecting their objects.

In all of these cases, keeping the troubleshooting distance low is desired; that is, that there should be a minimum of hops required between objects from the one owned by the user to the one responsible for a setting.

Another way to think of the troubleshooting distance in this context is "How many kubectl commands would the user need to do to understand that a metaresource is relevant, which metaresource is relevant, and what configuration the full set of metaresource is setting?"

Application Developer Discoverability

How does Ana, or any Application Developer who owns one or more Route objects know that their object is affected by a metaresource, which metaresource is affecting it, and what the content of the metaresource is?

The best outcome is that Ana needs to look only at a specific route to know what metaresource settings are being applied to that Route, and where they come from. However, some of the other problems below make it very difficult to achieve this.

Policy Admin Discoverability

How does the Policy Admin know what metaresource is applied where, and what the content of that metaresource is? How do they validate that the metaresource is being used in ways acceptable to their organization? For any given metaresource object, how do they know how many places it's being used?

Cluster Admin Discoverability

The Cluster Admin has similar concerns to the Policy Admin, but with a focus on being able to determine what's relevant when something is broken.

How does the Cluster Admin know what metaresource is applied where, and what the content of that metaresource is?

For any given metaresource object, how do they know how many places it's being used?

Hinting on a solution for the discoverability problem

Querying the status of objects stored in the cluster may be the Kubernetes way of knowing the state of the system, in a world where objects are declarative and there are only so many links between objects to jump in between. However, this is still a proxy used to model a real life problem that often has otherwise different ways to be thought about as well.

In the context of traffic networking, for example, often the question asked by users is “What happens when a network request X comes in?”. There is an implicit expectation that a set of Kubernetes resources suffices to represent all the rules for a given workload to be activated and thus process request X, and often that is the case. For more complex cases however (multiple personas, application concerns separated into dedicated resource kinds, interaction between groups of users, etc), real life can get more complicated than a simple kubectl get x, or at least additional steps must be automated to encompass complexity into what can be achieved with a single declarative object.

With that in mind, a possible solution for the discoverability problem may involve designing tools (e.g. CLI tools/plugins), new CRDs, etc that let users ask questions in terms of the real life problems they have to deal with on a daily basis, rather than shaped by the underlying technologies used in the process. For instance, a simple Kubernetes object that is used to declare the rules to process a HTTP request cannot have its status reported simply as Ready/Not ready. By being a complex object composed of multiple routing rules, potentially affected by specifications declared from other objects as well, its status MUST account for that complexity and be structured in such a way that informs the owner with respect to each possible case, whether the ones induced by the internal specification declared by the object itself or its external relationships.

In other words, the discoverability problem exists and must be addressed in light of the complexity associated with the topology of nested contexts induced by a set of hierarchically related resources. One should always have that topology in mind while asking questions regarding the behavior of a given resource, because just like a routing object (e.g. HTTPRoute) does not exist independently from its parent contexts (e.g. Gateways) or its children (e.g. Backends), any resource in focus may be just a part of a whole.

Status reporting

Metaresource status

Metaresource CRDs MUST define a status stanza that allows for reporting the status of the metaresource with respect to each scope the resource may apply.

The basic status conditions are:

  • Accepted: the metaresource passed both syntactic validation by the API server and semantic validation enforced by the controller, such as whether the target objects exist.
  • Enforced: the metaresource’s spec is guaranteed to be fully enforced, to the extent of what the controller can ensure.
  • PartiallyEnforced: parts of the metaresource’s spec is guaranteed to be enforced, while other parts are known to have been superseded by other specs, to the extent of what the controller can ensure. The status should include details highlighting which parts of the metaresource are enforced and which parts have been superseded, with the references to all other related metaresources.
  • Overridden: the metaresource’s spec is known to have been fully overridden by other specs. The status should include the references to the other related metaresources.

Metaresource implementations SHOULD support these basic status conditions.

Target object status

Implementations of metaresources SHOULD put a condition into status.Conditions of any objects affected by the metaresource.

That condition, if added, MUST be named according to the pattern <meta-resource-kind>Affected (e.g., and SHOULD include observedGeneration field kept up to date when the spec of the target object changes.

Implementations SHOULD use their own unique domain prefix for this condition type. Gateway API implementations, for instance, SHOULD use the same domain as in the controllerName field on GatewayClass (or some other implementation-unique domain for implementations that do not use GatewayClass.)

E.g. – given a Gateway object that is targeted by a hypothetical ColorPolicy metaresource named policy-namespace/my-policy, which is owned by a controller and with status Enforced or PartiallyEnforced. The controller SHOULD add to the status of the Gateway object a condition true, and reason ideally referring to the policy-namespace/my-policy by name.

Similarly, for a hypothetical ColorPolicy metaresource that targets a specific named section of the Gateway object (e.g., http-listener), the controller SHOULD add to the status of the listener section within the Gateway object a condition true.

For objects that do not have a status.Conditions field available (Secret is a good example), that object SHOULD instead have an annotation of true added instead.

Status needs to be namespaced by implementation

Because an object can be affected by multiple implementations at once, any added status MUST be namespaced by the implementation.

In Gateway API's Route Parent status, parentRef plus the controller name have been used for this.

For a metaresource, something similar can be done, namespacing by the reference to the implementation's controller name.

Namespacing by the originating metaresource cannot easily be done because the source could be more than one metaresource object.

Creating common data representation patterns

Defining a common pattern for including the details of an arbitrarily defined object, to be included in a library for all possible implementations, is challenging, to say the least.

Structured data cannot be used because there is no way of knowing what the structure will be beforehand. This suggests a need to use unstructured data for representing the main body of the arbitrary metaresource objects. Practically, this will have to be a string representation of the YAML form (or JSON, equivalently) of the body of the metaresource object (absent the metadata part of every Kubernetes object).

Metaresources and Policy Attachment does not mandate anything about the design of the object's top level except that it must be a Kubernetes object, so the only possible thing to rely upon here is the presence of the Kubernetes metadata elements: apiVersion, kind, and metadata.

Therefore, a string representation of the rest of the file is likely the best that can be done here.

Fanout status update problems

The fanout problem is that, when an update takes place in a single object (a metaresource, or an object with a metaresource attached), an implementation may need to update many objects if it needs to place details of what metaresource applies, or what the resultant set of metaresources is on every object.

Historically, this is a risky strategy and needs to be carefully applied, as it's an excellent way to create apiserver load problems, which can produce a large range of bad effects for cluster stability.

This does not mean that nothing at all that affects multiple objects can be done, but that careful consideration of what information is stored in status, so that every metaresource update does not require a corresponding status update, is advised.

Current use of metaresources


These are a few known implementations of metaresources in compliance with this GEP:

Gateway API (core)

Gateway API defines two kinds of Direct metaresources (Direct policies), both for augmenting the behavior of Kubernetes Service resources:

  • BackendTLSPolicy: Direct policy type for specifying the TLS configuration of the connection from the Gateway to a backend pod (set of pods) via the Service API object.
  • BackendLBPolicy: Direct policy for Session Persistence (Experimental).

Envoy Gateway

Gateway API implementation that defines the following kinds of metaresources:

  • ClientTrafficPolicy: to configure the behavior of the connection between the downstream client and Envoy Proxy listener.
  • BackendTrafficPolicy: to configure the behavior of the connection between the Envoy Proxy listener and the backend service.
  • EnvoyExtensionPolicy: to configure various envoy extensibility options for the Gateway.
  • EnvoyPatchPolicy: to modify the generated Envoy xDS resources by Envoy Gateway using this patch API.
  • SecurityPolicy: to configure various security settings for a Gateway.


Gateway API implementation that defines the following kinds of metaresources:

  • EnvoyFilter: to customize the Envoy configuration generated by istiod, e.g. modify values for certain fields, add specific filters, or even add entirely new listeners, clusters.
  • RequestAuthentication: to define request authentication methods supported by a workload.
  • AuthorizationPolicy: to enable access control on workloads in the mesh.
  • WasmPlugin: to extend the functionality provided by the Istio proxy through WebAssembly filters.
  • Telemetry: defines how telemetry (metrics, logs and traces) is generated for workloads within a mesh.

NGINX Gateway Fabric

Gateway API implementation that supports Gateway API’s BackendTLSPolicy as well as the following kinds of metaresources:

  • ClientSettingsPolicy: Inherited policy to configure connection behavior between client and NGINX.
  • ObservabilityPolicy: Direct policy to define settings related to tracing, metrics, or logging.

Gloo Gateway

Gateway API implementation that defines the following kinds of metaresources:

  • ListenerOption: to augment behavior of one, multiple, or all gateway listeners.
  • HTTPListenerOption: to augment behavior of one, multiple, or all HTTP and HTTPS listeners.
  • RouteOption: to augment behavior of one, multiple, or all routes in an HTTPRoute resource.
  • VirtualHostOption: to augment behavior of the hosts on one, multiple, or all gateway listeners.


First Gateway API integration entirely based on the Metaresources and Policy Attachment pattern. Defines the following kinds of metaresources:

  • DNSPolicy: to manage the lifecycle of DNS records in external DNS providers such as AWS Route53, Google DNS, and Azure DNS.
  • TLSPolicy: to manage the lifecycle of TLS certificate configuration on gateways using CertManager.
  • AuthPolicy: Inherited policy with full support of Defaults & Overrides and merge strategies that can be attached to gateways and routes to specify authentication and authorization rules.
  • RateLimitPolicy: Inherited policy with full support of Defaults & Overrides and merge strategies that can be attached to gateways and routes to specify rate limiting rules.

Other metaresource-like implementations

Network Policy API (Working Group, SIG-NETWORK)

Defines two kinds of metaresources respectively for specifying default and override of networking policy rules: AdminNetworkPolicy and BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy. Builds on top of Kubernetes core NetworkPolicy kind.

Although the Network Policy API custom resources do not strictly implement the Metaresources and Policy Attachment pattern, they are based on similar concepts that involve policy rules for augmenting the behavior of other Kubernetes objects (pods), attachment points, nested contexts (through namespaces and pod selectors), and Defaults & Overrides.

Open Cluster Management

Does not implement Metaresources and Policy Attachment. However, defines a virtual policy kind (ConfigurationPolicy) and supports distributing other third-party kinds of policies such as Gatekeeper's ConstraintTemplate kind, via a Policy resource whose targets are nonetheless controlled by a separate set of resource (Placement and PlacementBinding).


The following tools can be useful for implementing and supporting metaresources and metaresource custom controllers.


CLI tool for visualizing and managing Gateway API resources in a Kubernetes cluster. Includes commands to visualize effective policies affecting the resources in compliance with the Metaresources and Policy Attachment pattern.


Golang library for implementing policy controllers. Defines types and functions to build Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) to represent hierarchies of targetable resources and attached metaresources, calculate effective policies based on standard and custom merge strategies, etc. Includes helpers for applications based on Gateway API.


Issues * Extensible Service Policy and Configuration

Docs * Policy Attachment and Binding